Created on Jun 13, 2014
.. moduleauthor:: Esmail Fadae <efadae@hotmail.com>
from collections import namedtuple
import json
import re
[docs]class VariableMetadata(namedtuple('_VariableMetadata', 'name, label, value_mappings')):
A :py:class:`VariableMetadata` object contains the metadata about an
individual form variable. The class inherits from a semi-anonymous
:py:func:`namedtuple` (:py:class:`_VariableMetadata`) that handles object
construction and the creation of immutable attribute accessors.
:param str name: The encoded name of the variable (e.g. "a01")
:param str label: The variable's readable label (e.g. "What is your sex?")
:param dict value_mappings: A dictionary that maps encoded value names (e.g. "0", "1") to value labels (e.g. "Female", "Male")
def _to_spss_syntax(self):
Output the syntax file lines that correspond to this object.
:returns: SPSS-syntax-file-formatted strings for use in a syntax file's "VARIABLE LABELS" and (possibly) "VALUE LABELS" sections.
:rtype: tuple(str, str)
# TODO: Should labels be truncated to 116 characters?
# Variable labels aren't always specified.
variable_label_line= '/' + self.name + ' "'
if self.label == None:
variable_label_line+= self.name + '"'
variable_label_line+= self.label + '"'
# There aren't always value labels to report.
if self.value_mappings == None:
value_label_line= None
value_label_line= '/' + self.name
sorted_value_names= self.value_mappings.keys()
for value_name in sorted_value_names:
value_label= self.value_mappings[value_name]
value_label_line+= ' ' + value_name + ' "' + value_label + '"'
return variable_label_line, value_label_line
[docs] def export_spss_syntax(cls, variable_metadata_list):
Export the supplied :py:class:`VariableMetadata` objects to a string for
use in an SPSS syntax file.
:param variable_metadata_list: The metadata to export.
:type variable_metadata_list: list(:py:class:`VariableMetadata`)
:returns: An SPSS-syntax-file-formatted string.
:rtype: :py:class:`String`
if len(variable_metadata_list) == 0:
return ''
variable_label_lines= list()
value_label_lines= list()
for var_metadata in variable_metadata_list:
var_label_line, val_label_line= var_metadata._to_spss_syntax()
if var_label_line != None:
if val_label_line != None:
# Remove the prepending "/" from the first variable label line.
variable_label_lines[0]= variable_label_lines[0].split('/')[1]
syntax_string= 'VARIABLE LABELS\n'
for var_label_line in variable_label_lines:
syntax_string+= var_label_line + '\n'
# There aren't always value labels to report.
if len(value_label_lines) != 0:
syntax_string+= '\nVALUE LABELS\n'
for val_label_line in value_label_lines:
syntax_string+= val_label_line + '\n'
return syntax_string
[docs] def import_json(cls, odk_json_text):
Parse question metadata (e.g. names, labels, value mappings) from the
supplied JSON-formatted ODK form text.
:param str odk_json_text: The JSON-formatted text of the form being imported.
:returns: :py:class:`VariableMetadata` objects that correspond to the JSON form's questions.
:rtype: list(:py:class:`VariableMetadata`)
form_dict= json.loads(odk_json_text)
return cls._import(form_dict)
def _import(cls, odk_form_dict):
Where the actual importing work occurs. Takes an ODK form pre-parsed
into :py:class:`dict` and generates the appropriate metadata.
returns the appropriate :py:class:`VariableMetadata` objects.
:param dict odk_form_dict: The ODK form parsed into a :py:class:`dict`.
:returns: :py:class:`VariableMetadata` objects that correspond to the form's questions.
:rtype: list(:py:class:`VariableMetadata`)
form_variables= odk_form_dict['children']
variable_metadata_list= list()
for form_var in form_variables:
if form_var['type'] == 'group':
# Recursively import groups.
group_variable_metadata_list= cls._import(form_var)
var_name= form_var['name'].encode('utf-8')
if 'label' not in form_var.keys():
var_label= None
var_label= form_var['label'].encode('utf-8')
# TODO: Find out multi-select "type" (e.g. "select multiple")
if form_var['type'] in ['select one']:
value_mappings_list= form_var['children']
value_mappings= dict()
for mapping in value_mappings_list:
val_name= mapping['name'].encode('utf-8')
val_label= mapping['label'].encode('utf-8')
value_mappings[val_name]= val_label
value_mappings= None
variable_metadata= cls(var_name, var_label, value_mappings)
# TODO: Not really knowing the "calculate" syntax, this is likely very brittle.
if form_var['type'] == 'calculate':
calculation_string= form_var['bind']['calculate']
# Find the first substring of the form "'matched substring:"
calculated_var_name= re.match(r'''^.+'(.+):''', calculation_string).groups()[0].encode('utf-8')
calculated_variable_metadata= cls(calculated_var_name, calculated_var_name, None)
return variable_metadata_list