Created on Jun 14, 2014
@author: esmail
Bases: odk_to_spss_syntax.test.test_export_from_json.TestExportFromJson
Test the command line interface building on functionality from TestExportFromJson.
Integration tests for the exporting of variable metadata from JSON-formatted ODK forms to SPSS ”.sps” syntax files.
Created on Jun 14, 2014
@author: Esmail Fadae
Test exporting SPSS ”.sps” syntax files from VariableMetadata objects.
Check the formatting of the provided syntax text, checking for a variable labels section and possibly a value labels section. Return any parsed variable labels and value labels.
:param unittest.TestCase test_case: Making this an explicit parameter allows this function to be called from any unittest.TestCase descendant. :param str spss_syntax_text: The text of a SPSS ”.sps” syntax file. :return: A dictionary of parsed mappings from variable names to their corresponding labels. Another dictionary with an entry for each variable with parsed mappings from value names to value labels. :rtype: tuple(dict, dict)
Created on Jun 14, 2014
@author: Esmail Fadae